New Year’s Party at Double Barrelled

Double Barrelled Brewery Unit 20, Stadium Way, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Join Double Barrelled to see the new year in 90s style, with DJs Rum & Donuts playing the hits


New Years Eve at The Nag’s

The Nag's Head 5 Russell Street, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

£15 each including hot food, DJ GS2, and champagne at midnight. Tickets only available at the bar


New Year’s Lock In at The Last Crumb

The Last Crumb 76 Prospect Street, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

In a move that must be against fire safety regulations, the Last Crumb are offering to literally lock the doors to keep you inside their NYE party


New Year’s Eve at Phantom

The Haunt at Phantom Units 2-3, Meadow Road, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

New Year’s Eve at The Fox

The Fox and Hounds 51 Gosbrook Rdoad, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

New Year's Eve at the Fox, with DJs, food and champagne. Tickets at the bar


Run Ding at Double Barrelled

Double Barrelled Brewery Unit 20, Stadium Way, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Shake off the new year lethargy with a run and a pint

90s Movie Quiz at Double Barrelled

Double Barrelled Brewery Unit 20, Stadium Way, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Do you know your 90s movies? Head along to Double Barrelled to prove it in their quiz


Phil ‘n the Blanks at The Fox

The Fox and Hounds 51 Gosbrook Rdoad, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Live music from Phil 'n the Blanks at the Fox and Hounds