Quiz Night at The Greyfriar

The Greyfriar 53 Greyfriars Road, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Join the Greyfriar for their fortnightly themed quiz. Bar tab, cheese, and cash prizes


Open Mic Night at Double Barrelled

Double Barrelled Brewery Unit 20, Stadium Way, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Open Mic night at Double Barrelled, hosted by Mates Rates Comedy's compère

Free Easter Eggs at Phantom

The Haunt at Phantom Units 2-3, Meadow Road, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Free Easter Eggs for the first 15 customers

Egg/Beer hunt at Phantom

The Haunt at Phantom Units 2-3, Meadow Road, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Find an egg, and swap it for a beer!

Britpop Bingo at Double Barrelled

Double Barrelled Brewery Unit 20, Stadium Way, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

It’s Bingo, but not as you know it! No numbers, just Britpop tracks. Singing along and dancing will very much be encouraged! Three great prizes up for grabs (single line, 2 lines, full house) and some bonus drink rounds throughout the evening.


Easter Egg Hunt at Loddon

Loddon Bewery Taproom Dunsden Green Farm, Church Lane, Dunsden, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Send the kids hunting for Easter Eggs while you have a pint

Sunday Gaming at Phantom Brewery

The Haunt at Phantom Units 2-3, Meadow Road, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

The Reading Board Games Social group invite anyone to come along to Phantom to play board games every Sunday

Community Puzzle Day at Phantom

The Haunt at Phantom Units 2-3, Meadow Road, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Complete a giant puzzle, and drink beer

Family Pokemon Quiz at Double Barrelled

Double Barrelled Brewery Unit 20, Stadium Way, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Spend Easter in the traditional way - with a Pokemon Quiz for the kids!


Pub Quiz at BrewDog

Brewdog Reading 11 Castle Street, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Weekly quiz by Reading's favorite quiz master, Rohin


£1 Beer School at BrewDog

Brewdog Reading 11 Castle Street, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

From 2nd April to 30th April, £1 beer school is back at BrewDog. For £1 you get 4 1/6ths of their headline beers, i.e. 2/3 of a pint for £1. Pre-booking is mandatory. You can upgrade it too - for £4 they'll give you 4 random beers, and if you guess them all correctly, you… Continue reading £1 Beer School at BrewDog
